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the way things go...

generalized update...
there are several reasons why cubicles are bad.  at the moment, i think its because its making feel a bit nauseous.  sometimes its because you realize that you make a concerted effort on a 5-days a week basis to be boundaried and baracaded.  and what is a cubicle today, is going to be a cubicle tomorrow, and 5 years from now, and 25 years after that it'll still be the same cubicle (until they're updated to fall into further conformance with the latest trends in cubicle fashion and accessorizing or something)...
... which is why moments like last night are like chicken soup... they warm you up and move you on.  we did the rehearsal thing last night - ran through three or four tunes - a few steps, cancelled check, we can build you, brief physics (the latter three being new(ish) songs) with little twists and revisions here and there.  flavored accoutrements if you will...  i've enjoyed bellflur since my entrance into the world d'flur - however there seems to currently be an invigoration and just complete no-holds-barred aggression and fullness while playing... er... at least as aggressive as you can be with this music.  and that certainly seems true on all four [persons'] accounts.  there's a general push... feels like if you were to fall over a cliff or tumble down the face of a building and suddenly realize that regardless of the speed of your descent, you're not going to smack into the concrete... but rather it just keeps going and after a while it becomes more exhiliarating than anything else.  (heh, heh... holy failed metaphore, batman!!!). 
anyways, i think much of it may have to do with the fact that casey is now with us ('cause the kid has talent... to say the VERY least) - and just seems to seamlessly fall into a song... which is VERY nice.  i think much of it focuses on the fact that the new songs are coming along splendid-like - and push all of us to branch out and listen (which amazingly seems to be one of the main things bands and/or musicians seem to fall short in consistently... like their worst enemy... used happen to me all the time). 
tom is double-fisting keyboards, percussion, bass, and vocals from song to song.  c-los' new CP-70 i think has brought much inspiration from the keys end of things.  i don't know... sometimes you need to purchase new equipment or exploratory instruments to push you along (as i was discussing with a friend last night just before rehearsal incidentally).  but the bottom line is that i think something is happening within the ranks of bellflur... something that should be abundantly clear and obvious to you all soon.  and thoughts like these are the good ones... moments like these are the cherished ones... aspiration and determination such as this is the essential one... because the cubicle is no place for anyone... i tell you this to be true, kiddies.
- patrick

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  1. Wow, so I wasn't just imagining things. I have nothing else to add since it was stated so perfectly and thanks for the kind compliment. I think we've hit the vein this time. It's pretty difficult to find such mutual respect in a band setting. That means a lot to me and it will only encourage my insecurities or any too weird if I begin to suggest anything far out there, at least I know that you guys won't point and laugh. I can't wait to meet any fans on tour. O and look for Jess and I at the merch table. We will be network central. I love this.
