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'cordin' 'cordin' 'cordin'

wow.  we bellflur kids are amazingly flippant when it comes to regular posts on the blog.  so, while i'm working (actually... avoiding working) on a few things... i figure why not??
so what's been happening?  let's see.
well, last week we did a show with the most serene republic at the rock n' roll hotel.  i, personally had a great time, helped significantly by amicable nature of a) all the folks in the most serene republic and, b) fritz, the r n'r hotel manager.  fritz is a king amongst men in terms of club-managers who are willing to actually listen to the bands, respond and help and to always be on top of things.  as for the most serene republic, i've never met a group of more congenial folks.  all members (individually and collectively) of that band are incredibly good at what they do and incredibly fun to play a show with.  so that one went well...  thanks to the most serene republic (and well wishes to them) and the rock n' roll hotel folks and everyone who came out and seemed to enjoy the show.
we also debuted 2 new songs at that show.  the first is as of yet untitled and i'm not sure if we can actually classify it as a song.  i'm sure at some point we will... but for the time being, it feels categorized to a lovely warm-up piece.  then there's what is probably bellflur's most simplistic, straight-ahead rock tune ever... currently dubbed "fits and starts and stops".  we likes it.  we hope you did (or will too).  and speaking of new songs, we've been recording alot of them.
'cordin, 'cordin, 'cordin.
so for the past couple of months, we've been tracking songs for the next album with our ally in noise and atmospherics, eamonn (who you may recognize from other DC/NYC-bands that have since, unfortunately, departed).  eamonn brought with him several things to this venture... namely, a comparable (if not surpassing) level of gear whore-dom (but, luckily for us, a whore-dom that gravitates towards the recording gear variety), tons o' ideas, and a willingness to track just about damn near anything that we or he can think of.  so far, i would say its going incredibly well.  things sound amazing actually.  eamonn may have his own take on it as his eyes and ears are accosted (and damn near destroyed) on a daily basis.  but he's a champion and doing well.  until tom pegs him in the ass in a paintball challenge!
we've been extraordinarily lucky with our recording venue - though many of you reading this will know exactly the location to which i'm referring, i'm going to remain silent as to where we are doing this... just in case.  suffice to say however that the afore-mentioned venue has provided some of the best room characteristics for recording (i.e., room reverb, outdoor open smack, etc.) any of us have experienced before.  proving to really be an asset. 
so far (leaving vocals, certain samples, extra percussion out of the equation for the time being), we've got solid (close to completion) headway on 3 songs and about 1/2 to 3/4 the way through 3 others.  i believe our buddies from exit clov (emily and susan) will be coming in to do some violins and vocals as well.  then we'll be off to the rehearsals again to solidify some other new songs that will probably show up in the album... which, by the way, is going to be pretty incredible from a packaging stand-point.  JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE!!!
so i leave you with no pictures.  however, you should definitely go visit eamonn's blog as he's been providing recording blow-by-blows for each song (will be a great read for you equipment junkies) along with some great photos of the process (when eamonn emerges from the superman phone booth following recording, he comes out a photographer).  his blog is here (click it now):
and with that, christmas is upon us in less than a week (if you're into that sort of thing), and shortly thereafter, 2008.  its been a chaotic year - 2007.  but things have certainly come into their own in the land of bellflur within recent months.  we hope you've had less chaos than we this year.  certainly, a mighty "thanks" for all of you who have been giving the support, coming to the shows, helping with artwork, visuals, ideas, recording, catching us on tour, posting comments and porn (you know who you are) on our myspace page, etc.  it always means and helps more than you would ever actually think. 
so cheers, kiddies.... bellflur loves you.

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